“you know when i know tht you re the chmpions。 i ws ngry? i m very ngry, you're telling me, put me in run round in circles, however, lter wnted to think, you know why you re doing this。(你知道当我知道你就是欧少爷的时候我有多生气吗?我很气愤,你居然瞒着我,把我耍的团团转,但是,后来想了想,就知道你为什么这么做了。) ” 乔晓静笑了笑,欧北骏也向他笑了笑。
“in fct, you wnt to help me, but you know if i know tht you re xx when i did ept your help is it right?(其实你是想帮助我,但是你知道如果我知道你就是xx的时候我并不会接受你的帮忙是不是?) ”
“so you thought bout this method? you wnt me to explin before i knew it。” (所以你就想到这个方法吧?在你想我解释之前我就知道了。)
“why didn't you tell me directly, i worry bout for long time。(那你为什么不直接告诉我,害我担心了好久。) ”欧北骏埋怨道。
“哼,我才不告诉你 ,我要让你对我好一点!”
“ldies nd gentlemen, thnk you very much for your help tody, let me get my love, thnk you!(各位,很感谢大家今天的帮忙,让我得到了我的爱人,谢谢大家!