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《多面伪公主的复仇之路》 第 3 部分阅读(6/16)

son lerned

    never leve n open flme to burn

    why do we choose to chse wht we’ll lose?

    wht you wnt isn’t wht you hve。

    wht you hve my not be yours, to keep。

    if i could find love,

    t  stop, in  prk with open rms,

    i would sve ll my love,

    in  jr,mde of sprks,

    seled in my beting hert,

    could it be yours to keep, the jr of love。

    could you be my love

    could you be my love

    could you be my love

    could you be my love

    could you be her love

    could you be he love

    could you be my love

    could i be you love

    if i could find love,

    t  stop, in  prk with open rms,

    i would sve ll my love,

    in  jr,mde of sprks,

    seled in my beting hert,

    could it be yours to keep

    if i could find love,

    t  -->>
