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《冰山女神玻璃心》 第 1 部分阅读(11/19)

br>     尹若寒摇了摇头,叹息道“还让不让人活了,长得可真无法用语言形容,但敢肯定的就是绝对的祸害”








    拿起话筒说道“接下来我将与皇甫先生合唱一首tonight,i feel close to you(今晚 你离我很近)日文”说完,拿起另一个话筒塞在皇甫夜爵的手中,在狠狠地瞪了他一眼。



    尹若寒“close my eyes nd feel your mind

    time hs pssed

    i wlk like  shdow

    never knew

    wht i m going through

    you touch my hert nd tke my breth wy

    whisper on the wind so softly

    let the bright strs fill our drems with love

    rech for your hnd you′re holding my key

    nd you show me the wy

    tonight,i feel close to you

    you open my door nd light the sky bove

    when i need  friend, you re there right by my side-->>
